
Showing posts from April, 2017

How to Look beautiful without make up

How to Look beautiful without make up  Many women would love to forget the morning routine of carefully applying their makeup and go fresh face instead. However, they may feel vulnerable and exposed without their makeup and are afraid of how they would look without it. If you are one of those people, then put your mascara wand and start reading because this article will show you how you can both look beautiful and feel good without even a little makeup! Drinking Water Undoubtedly, the first and most important trick is drinking plenty of water every day, no matter what the season, as this glass of water will be much more beneficial to you than any makeup product can choose to invest in. Moisturize I love the moisturizer, ladies. The more you keep your skin hydrated and nourished, the more you can prevent the arrival of wrinkles and saggy skin dry. Be sure to moisturize the face and neck and hands and feet, as these are the areas showing the first signs of aging. Use a face wash U

how to become slim in 3 weeks

How to become slim in 3 weeks you want to achieve  permanent weight loss along weight loss through diet was the best option shin if you need to look slim and only have a week to do it there is some guidelines you can follow some tips and tricks on how to get skinny in a week step one drink only water one way to get rid of those pesky extra calories is to stop drinking anything but water sports drinks sodas and alcoholic beverages don't satisfy hunger in just had empty calories drinking 28 ounces glasses of water before each meal will help you to fill up your stomach so that you don't already purchased and refillable water bottle and bring it with you wherever you go that way you can continue to hydrate yourself throughout the day without going for sugary drinks or soldiers step to stop eating white grains and dairy product by is an 18 these foods that cause bloating you will be able to look skinnier in no time carbohydrates cause bloating especially around your stomach wh